Thursday, July 26, 2012

Growing Up

In the last week Lucas has 'grown up' in a few ways. He is now spending some time in his Bumbo chair. He likes it for the first few minutes then he gets tired (or that's what I assume by his whimpers). I believe he enjoys the new view on the world around him...especially looking down, which has been his thing lately. We think he looks so old sitting up.

His other thing is putting his hands behind his head. I don't know how he learned his one but it's so funny/cute. He does it when we're changing his diaper or when he's just hanging out; I don't know about you, but I think it's the funniest when we're changing his diaper.

We also decided to give Lucas his bath in the big tub at Casa de Pearce. I think he enjoyed having more space to play but it was a bit more challenging to keep a hold of him.

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