Friday, July 6, 2012

2 months old!

And the second month has passed almost as fast as the first. Our little Lucas is now 2 months old. He is growing into such an adorable and happy little boy. I don't know that we go more than a day without saying what a good baby he is...we are very blessed and fortunate to have such a sweet little bundle of joy in our lives. In our monthly pictures I've tried to capture a few of the new things Lucas is doing.
We'll find out on the 9th how big Lucas is but as you can see here he's filling out and growing like a weed.
Lucas is so alert and able to watch/track things so well...he's still a bit unsure of the camera in his face but you can see he's looking at something...and is happy about it.
I like that he's pointing to the 2 on his shirt.
Nathan has been encouraging Lucas to stick out his tongue by sticking out his tongue at Lucas does it all the time. He likes to makes bubbles and bring them out of his mouth with his tongue too. He thinks the bubbles are so funny.
Lucas has been kicking his legs and moving around for awhile now but in the last week or so he's learned to roll on his side. We think he generally enjoys the feeling of rolling around but he's also learned that it's easier to relieve the pressure in his tummy on his side. :) He keeps us guessing and smiling all the time...we love you Lucas!

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