Sunday, February 17, 2013

Catching up

My apologizes for the huge break is posting. I'm not even sure where the last month has gone. Luckily we took a few pictures to help remember/document our lives.

When Nathan moved into his new office to fulfill his duties as the interim vice president of student affairs, Lucas and I went into the office one evening to help Nathan get settled. Lucas tested out the chair and draw to make sure they worked okay. Lucas also helped me in dusting and reorganizing...or getting himself covered in dust and removing items from shelves after I put them there. :)

"What? I don't know what you want, but it's not going to happen." (practicing being a vp)

"Okay, you found my weakness..."

"I'm filed under C for cute."

"Daddy! Can you find me?"

Lucas continues to be a happy and laid back kid.

Enjoying a little lunch.

Playing...and before he knew it, he was in the corner. Lucas was a little surprised when I called his name...

 And then he smiled and started to play with me.

"Hi mommy! Don't you want to pick me up...aren't I cute?!"

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