Sunday, February 17, 2013

9 months old!

I still can't believe that Lucas is 9 months old. We've now known him longer than we knew about him before he joined us. It's amazing how different and more wonderful our lives are than 1.5 years ago.

He's hard get Lucas to stay in one spot long enough to look at I was delighted to get this shot.

In the last week or so Lucas has started to lean to get people's attention. It started when I was wearing my glasses more; he would lean out so he could look me in the eyes. And now, anyone that isn't giving him the attention he desires...he works to get in their line of sight as best he can. He's a smart kid.

After the birthday weekend, Lucas and I got sick. Lucas luckily just got a bad cold while I got something that knocked me out for a couple days. I had to take 3 days off, which is unheard of. But a sign that both of us doing better was eating a big dinner. Here Lucas is acting like he likes my chicken philly. Small kid...big appetite.

And these pictures are when we were starting to feel better but still a little under the can see it in his face.

Lucas was fascinated by the rain drops falling on the deck. He liked watching the rain splatter...and the sound his hands made hitting the sliding door. Hard to know which he liked more.

So happy to have Lucas acting like himself again and close to full health! With each passing day that Lucas got better, Nathan and I kept saying "it's good to have him back." He's sharing his joy with others once again.

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