Saturday, January 12, 2013

MO Christmas

As soon as we got to Mexico, Lucas was ready to play with Auntie Kristi. Kristi did a great job finding 'toys' for Lucas. They drummed for a while.

Lucas also wanted to play with Grandpa Thomas.

On our Mexico Christmas morning Kristi helped Lucas check out what Santa gave him in his new stocking.

Garf gave Lucas his own bag of chips to play's the perfect size bag for him and makes the noises he loves the most. Thanks Grandpa!

It's obvious he's happy with this gift.

Kristi also gave Lucas some creative gifts...a container of stars that he can shake and chew.

Lucas with his stocking and the big bow he liked playing with.

He's checking out his nice new stocking.

Lucas was back at the card table with Nathan; I think Nathan won this game...but I won the following morning.

The Thomas family Christmas 2012 photo...what a loving family!

Lucas not enjoying the cute pj outfit mommy wanted him to wear.

Nathan and Lucas playing peek-a-boo with the rest of us. Lucas initiates the game and is good at moving himself so he can hide and then show his face. It's pretty impressive...and cute.

Daddy reading Lucas one of his new books from Garf & Kristi.

We had a great time in MO. Thanks for the wonderful visit. Sorry Lucas made sleep a bit of a challenge for all of us. We had a very merry first Christmas!

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