Saturday, January 12, 2013

MN Christmas (part 1)

We were fortunate enough to spend a little over a week visiting family this holiday season. We started in MN and then went to MO. After an 11 hour drive, we were thankful to be out of the car for a few days; the winter storm really hit Iowa.

Our first day in MN, we had lunch with Lori and Haydyn (her oldest). I remember when Haydyn was Lucas' size...and it doesn't feel like it was all that long ago.

I was also surprised to see how much Lucas enjoyed play with Mazie. With my fear of dogs, I was nervous Lucas might be a little unsure of them but it was the complete opposite...he loved her. But really, Mazie is a great dog...a good one to introduce Lucas to.

Cullen was serious about something this face.

On Sunday before Christmas we went out to Hutch to visit the Pearce family. Here is Grandma with the great-grandkids. I don't think I had one with everyone looking in the same direction.

A cute shot of Cullen and Lucas.

Lucas with Grandpa Pearce...he was a happy boy with all the people around.

And here are the grandkids with Grandma Pearce.

...and my sisters/brother & in-laws with Grandma.

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