Monday, March 25, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa Visit

The first weekend of March Grandpa and Grandma Pearce came down for a visit. We hadn't seen each other since Christmas so we were excited to see them. We didn't have much planned but had a nice time...taking pictures. :)

Who's making who smile? Both.

We struggled to get a picture of everyone you can see.

Yep, I can hold and play with Lucas while I sleep; it's a great skill to possess.

What a cutie!

"Are you talking to me Grandpa?"

"Mommy, Grandpa's talking to me! What should I say?"

I love both of their smiles. :-)

Lucas doesn't really know that he's whistling, but he does a pretty good job at it.

I'm glad Lucas has started helping with tasks around the house...we'll keep him.

Thanks for coming to visit Grandma & Grandpa!!!

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