Monday, August 20, 2012

The beginning

A year ago today we encountered a word that has completely transformed our lives...
Yes, pregnant. It was the first day of classes for ISU in 2011 that it was confirmed we were going to be parents. I had an idea that I was body felt different, but to actual see the word 'pregnant' on the test was shocking. I took the test first thing in the morning and couldn't decide if I should wake Nathan or get him up after I got out of the shower like usual. Since he just came off the busy weekend of move-in...I let him sleep a few extra minutes and tried to figure out how to tell him. I can't remember what I told him or if I even said anything but the rest of our day...lives...was filled with thinking out the upcoming birth of our child.

Nathan brought home flowers that night and we chatted over dinner about our future and soaked in the news. And now a year later, we have a beautiful, happy baby boy. God has blessed us in so many ways.

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