Monday, June 18, 2012

6 weeks

Lucas turned 6 weeks last Friday and here are a few pictures from the week. Lucas learned to nurse 2 weeks ago and it has taken us awhile to work through everything so we've spent a lot of time together in this chair...often Nathan would see us in the chair when he left for work as well as when he got home.

I don't know what Lucas is thinking here...but it's a funny face.

We can't get enough of his smile...he's such a happy baby.

This will be a picture we'll use in the future to show Lucas the funny things we did to him as a baby...night shirts are cool. :)

"Oh mom, not another picture."

Lucas has always enjoyed tummy time and has strong neck/core muscles as a result. He's a ways yet from holding his head up and sitting, but it seems like he's really close; sitting like this he looks so old.

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