Tuesday, June 26, 2012


There have been a few projects happening at the Thomas house for the past couple of weeks and the big one is now complete...our deck is safe for children! Nathan (and Garf) spent a lot of time converting the deck into a good place for Lucas and his friends to play as well as updating it a bit. Thanks for all your hard work Nathan...it looks wonderful!

And to keep up, Erin decided to update the deck furniture a bit...and she should be done tonight. It's a little hard to see in the photo but she spray painted the metal and it looks pretty good.

After finishing the deck and a bunch of yard work Nathan was pretty tired so he joined Lucas for nap time. (I love how they sleep in similar positions.)

Special deliveries

Last week we received two packages. The first was a bit of a surprise and confused Erin as it was a package from Karen Thomas (Nathan's decease mother). After looking at the delivery sheet a bit closer she realized it was from Aunt Kristi's address. The box contained a book for Lucas about father's day, a dad's playbook for Nathan, and a mom's day book for Erin...a very thoughtful and special delivery. Thank you Kristi for carrying on Karen's spirit.

The boys are checking out their new books, but they seem to be on different pages...Lucas is a speed reader already.

We will definitely use this book for our bedtime routine in the future...it's doing the trick and getting Lucas prepared for sleep.

The second package was a gift for Lucas from Erin's college friend Lori...a cute tag blanky made by a friend of hers. As Erin was introducing Lucas to the new blanky she realized it was about as big as he is and that it won't be like that for long so she needed to capture a picture. Thanks Lori!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Firsts

We've had a good week but Lucas did tug on mommy's heartstrings when his first tear rolled down his cheek. We haven't seen another tear since, thankfully, but it was a big moment for Erin.

The other big first for the week was Lucas went to the tennis court. Erin and Nathan are playing in a summer league again so we went out to play for the first time this year. Erin was a little rusty but Lucas did a pretty good job watching and hanging out. He liked playing with the tennis ball in between his feet.

Lucas is starting to really enjoy his play dome/mobile. He checks out everything hanging around him and often looks beyond those objects to other things in the room, like the windows and pennants. He is also starting to fight naps a bit because he enjoys playing...but when he sleeps, he's so peaceful.

Monday, June 18, 2012

BIG Weekend

This last weekend we went to St. Louis to celebrate Nathan's 1st Father's Day, my birthday, and Lucas' first "big" trip.  There were lots of first's for Lucas, like his first escalator ride, first night in a hotel, and first trip out of the state.
Lucas has some pretty funny expressions - a most recent is his cool guy sleeping poses.  This one should be followed with a little "eh."
On Route 66, just south of St. Louis we hit up the famous Ted Drewes for some custard.  Lucas was very sad he didn't get any of his own.  It was one of the few times he was fussy for any length of time...next time we'll have to get him his own.
Here we are at the Gateway Memorial Arch...on our way to lunch.  The treat for my birthday was lunch and great pizza at Pi.  Lucas wasn't too upset here, just a little sad he couldn't go up in the Arch and that we were still a couple of hours away from first pitch.
The Cardinals have a new fan...all decked out and ready to go to the game.  The Cardinals are my favorite team, because of Yadi (who didn't start, but got a game tying pinch hit in the 12th).  Lucas probably has no choice on the Cardinals being his favorite team; he does look cute in his Cardinals' onesie. 
On the way to the game, we were stopped by a nice lady who had bought a hat that was too small for her kids.  She gave the hat to Lucas.  It doesn't quite fit yet, but will someday.  Proud father and son outside of the fountain (which is dyed red on for home games), the iconic photo of the old courthouse and arch.
Lucas seemed to enjoy the game.  It was a hot day, but he managed pretty well.  He was awake for a few innings and enjoyed sitting on Nathan's lap.  He especially liked when the music played and he got to clap his hands for the Cardinals.  He truly did get a big smile on his face.
In the top of the 9th, with two outs and two strikes on Billy Butler (from Idaho Falls, ID...thanks Garf for the trivia) hit a game tying home run off the Cardinals closer.  Lucas decided he was hungry and we decided it was a good time to hit the road.  Good decision on our part, we were 45 minutes from home when the game ended with a Cardinals 5-3 loss in the 15th inning.

It was a great family weekend to St. Louis and we look forward to many more trips together as a family!

6 weeks

Lucas turned 6 weeks last Friday and here are a few pictures from the week. Lucas learned to nurse 2 weeks ago and it has taken us awhile to work through everything so we've spent a lot of time together in this chair...often Nathan would see us in the chair when he left for work as well as when he got home.

I don't know what Lucas is thinking here...but it's a funny face.

We can't get enough of his smile...he's such a happy baby.

This will be a picture we'll use in the future to show Lucas the funny things we did to him as a baby...night shirts are cool. :)

"Oh mom, not another picture."

Lucas has always enjoyed tummy time and has strong neck/core muscles as a result. He's a ways yet from holding his head up and sitting, but it seems like he's really close; sitting like this he looks so old.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The little things

While Lucas is still little I wanted to document a few little things...

his hands and feet...

 the face and movements he makes when he wakes up from a nap...

the losing of his hair...and how I shape it into a fohawk...

 his chubby cheeks, frog-like leg positions, and fun poses...
We couldn't love this guy any more.

Kara & Garf Visit

We had a wonderful weekend with Aunt Kara and Grandpa Garf coming to visit. (Kara, thanks for making the long trip in and giving up time with your kids...it was great having you here!)

Kara is an expert when it comes to kids and that is well documented here...Lucas enjoyed a couple hour nap with her on Friday morning. It was a beautiful spring day.

While Lucas was napping Garf and Erin stained some wood for the deck. Nathan's big project right now is making the deck safe for kids to play on; the person who built the deck didn't have the posts close enough together so we need to correct the mistake. Garf and Nathan got over half way done with the deck reno...thanks for all your help Garf!

Lucas was entertaining Garf and Kara with his big open eyes, smiles, and sounds.

We worked Garf so hard that he needed a nice long nap outside.

With the deck being worked on the only place we could eat outside was on the driveway. Yes folks, we ate dinner on the driveway...nothing but high class at the Thomas house. Nathan compensated by cooking a great dinner...Surf & Turf Germantown Hills style. :)

On Saturday we headed to the Treamont Turkey Festival. The turkey legs are always a tasty treat...Kara agrees.

Campbell is still very excited to see baby "Wookiss" every time we get together. She puts out her arms out to hold him any time he gets close. While it might look like Lucas is bigger than Campbell that is not yet the case but it won't take very long for him to surpass her as at a month old he is already half her weight...and she'll be 2 years old the beginning of September.

Garf and two of his kids (Nathan and Kara) at the Festival. Hopefully there will be something fun we can take Kristi to when she comes to visit.

Here again Aunt Kara worked her magic and got Lucas down for a nap. I also don't think Kara minded holding a baby for a few hours.

Grandpa and grandson hanging out...if we could only get their naps on the same cycle. :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Couldn't help myself

The other morning I got Lucas dressed in this outfit for the first time and just couldn't help myself from taking a few pictures. As you can see...he was just too cute to not take a few shots.

I'm also standing by my statement that infants, and maybe toddlers, are the only people who should have items printed on their bums.

Monday, June 4, 2012

1 Month Old!

Wow...this month has gone fast! It's hard to believe our little boy is already a month old. Lucas is growing and getting stronger every day. He has good neck and core strength which he uses to head butt us or move around on our chests. His sleep smile is slowing transitioning into an awake smile, and he shows us his beautiful blue eyes more and more. We love Lucas so much and enjoy the time we spend with him each day. Here are a couple photos from this morning as well as one from a month ago so you can see how much he has grown.

Boys Day Out

Last Thursday Nathan and Lucas spent the day together while Erin got a long overdue haircut and went to work for a few hours. Nathan had a busy day planned for the boys.
Lucas is fed and ready to go.
First stop, Metamora Fields golf course. Lucas is surrounded by Daddy's favorite sport/activity right how...golf. Nathan is having another great golf year. He wishes he could play a few times a week but has a hard time being away from Lucas that much.
Second stop, Bass Pro Shop (Nathan was buying gifts). I don't foresee trucker hats in Lucas' future.
Next stop, Bradley. There were a lot of people who wanted to see Lucas at Nathan's work. They made the rounds. Cindy and Connie got to hold Lucas for a bit.
Then Lucas spent a lot of good time with President Glasser. It looks like they were having a great conversation here.
The President was concerned that Lucas was cold so she gave his this great Bradley sweatshirt. Thanks President Glasser (aka Aunt Joanne).
I'm not sure what Lucas is thinking here but he was giving Katie a pretty serious look...maybe the leadership theory was just a little too much for him. ;-)
The boys had a wonderful day together but it tired Lucas out, as you can see here. To many more boys' days...