Thursday, May 3, 2012

DD+1: Living on Borrowed Time

Baby Thomas' due date has come and gone, something we hadn't really planned for, but we are making the most of the time. While Nathan and I are more than ready to meet the newest member of our family, yesterday (aka DD+1) turned into a wonderful date night. Guess the baby wanted to make sure we enjoyed a nice night together before the sleepless ones that will come. We chatted about the day, grilled out and enjoyed dinner on the deck, went for a walk, played trains (real name=Ticket to Ride; hottest game of 2012 in our circle of friends), and caught a show or two. (Thanks for a great night sweetie!)

I also made Nathan take a picture of my belly to document how big it's getting...I don't know how I keep my balance. :)
Looking forward to what the rest of DD+2 brings...

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