Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tera & Shom Visit

A couple of Nathan's former hall directors, now friends, Tera and Show came over for dinner last night. It was great to see them and catch up. (Congrats again to Tera on her new job.) Nathan grilled salmon and we enjoyed a beautiful evening on the deck. Lucas also enjoyed the evening has he didn't go long without being in someone's arms. Here's Lucas sleeping in Tera's arms.

Shom gave Lucas a bottle...or two...boy that kid can eat; Shom was a natural and had a good time.

Thanks for joining us for dinner...and making Nathan sweat a bit!

Bath Time

We were worried after giving Lucas his first bath that bath time would be challenging as he cried the entire time. In hindsight, I either had the water too warm or he was unsure of what was going on because he hasn't really cried during a bath since. Now we really enjoy giving him a bath.

Lucas enjoys the bath so much that he takes a nap during them. Okay, he's not sleeping here or ever during a bath but you can see how relaxed...and cute...he is here.

Our friend Amy O. made Lucas this hooded bath towel and matching wash clothes. The towel keeps him warm and makes Erin happy with how adorable he looks in it. Thanks Amy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Time with Daddy

Every day when Nathan gets home from work he heads straight to Lucas to give him a kiss and say hi...and more often than not he picks him up and talks about their days. I know Lucas enjoys the attention and feels so loved, and I have to say I love watching them together too.

Some of the other activities Nathan enjoys including Lucas on are walking up the driveway to get the mail, helping him get ready in the morning, and falling asleep in the chair while watching TV. I want to take a picture of them every night because it's so cute but I try to contain myself. This one was worthy of sharing though because Lucas was giving Nathan a hug.

I also enjoyed this moment...Nathan is willing to do anything for his son. We spent last Sunday evening at the Obalil's house (they had a Memorial Day weekend gathering) and Nathan hung a blanket over him to keep the sun off Lucas. Such a good daddy.

This picture doesn't involve Nathan but Lucas is giving us a serious Nathan face while wearing little bunnies on his feet. (Thanks Auntie Kristi for the cute the bunny feet!)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Our little cutie isn't looking so little any more. Here are some of our recent favorite moments/photos.

Stacy and Steve Visit

Last weekend Auntie Stacy and Uncle Steve flew down to meet Lucas. I think they had a good time holding and hanging with Lucas...and he enjoyed all the love and attention. We went to a baseball game, grilled out, the boys went golfed, played games, and had ice cream at the Spotted Cow. All in all, we kept busy and had a great time.

 Stacy and Lucas hanging...Lucas in his 'chill' position.

Stacy and Steve took Lucas' last feeding one night and got to hold him until he woke up for his midnight feeding. (Thanks again for letting us go to bed early!)

I had to get a picture of the family redheads together. Lucas has joined a group of good looking guys.

Stacy and Steve needed to document their trip to the Spotted Cow by taking a picture with the cow in his sunglasses.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Time with Mommy

Lucas and I had some alone time this week while Nathan was at work. There is nothing better than when he falls asleep on my's great bonding time.

Lucas is a good sleeper and strikes different poses throughout his naps...this is his cool guy pose.

The weather was wonderful this week...perfect for going out for walks. After getting some training from my sister (Elicia) on using the Moby Wrap I attempted to get Lucas wrapped up and ready for a walk. I got him wrapped up but it didn't feel very secure...but we made it work and enjoyed the morning walk. The down side is my hip hasn't felt right since...hanging up the Moby for awhile.

Photo Shoot with Auntie Elicia

Before Auntie Elicia left town she captured some great pictures of Lucas...thanks Elicia! I just love all the fun and cute faces he makes, even when he's sleeping. He can smile while sleeping...and it melts our hearts. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

More 1st Week Highlights

It's amazing how fast the days go. The days are filled with feeding times, naps, and changing diapers, but on occasion we have fit in a few other fun activities.
Campbell and Lea Ann meeting Lucas for the first time (Jake met him at the hospital). Campbell was was excited and loved holding Lucas...and sneaking in a couple kisses too. 
Lucas at his first doctor appointment with mommy and Grandma Dee (Grandpa stayed in the lobby). He managed to pee on the doctor and go through another diaper during the appointment...guess the doctor's office makes him a bit nervous.
Mom and Dad giving Lucas his first bath. He cried through the whole thing but we all survived, and Lucas smelled so sweet afterwards.

Attending daddy's softball game. It was a bit chilly and windy out so Lucas looked like a little Eskimo.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lucas' 1st Week

Anutie Elicia holding Lucas and enjoying every second!

Like Father, Like Son.  Cuddled on the couch.

Mommy and Son

Cute little face!  Isn't he just beautiful?
Mommy and Lucas' first big outing.  Headed down to ISU to see and meet a few of Mommy's friends, co-workers, and grad students.

Wide awake!  Look at those eyes :)

Hmmm, what to do now?

Ok, I'll take another nap.  I'm getting pretty good at those.

8 days old already!

Hospital time

After getting a minute to actual download and check out photos, I'm reminded of how blessed I am with a healthy baby, an amazing, loving husband, and wonderful, supportive family and friends. Thanks to everyone who was with us (physically and not) during this wonderful, eventful, scary, and beautiful time. Words cannot capture all that happened during the short time we were in the hospital for Lucas' birth so hopefully these pictures help.
 (Daddy, Mommy & Lucas)

(Grandma Garf; Lauren & Eric; Harriett & Jill; Grandma Dee...Lucas included in all)

(Grandma Gary; Jessie & Dustin; three generations of Thomas boys - Garf, Nathan & Lucas; Lucas; Grandpa Gary and Nathan getting Lucas dressed to go home; and the Thomas family leaving the hospital)

Monday, May 7, 2012

DD+2 (cont) and DD+3

Well you already know how the story goes as it's been several days from DD+2 and DD+3 but let's just say that Nathan's 4am cramp was the beginning of significant mile markers for the Thomas family. On Friday, May 4th at 4:40am we were calling our parents to let them know we were officially admitted to the hospital, and 12 hours later Nathan, with tears of joy and relief, called the time of his son's birth at 4:40pm.

Lucas Price Thomas was born! Weighing in at 8 lbs. 11.9 oz. and measuring 20.5 inches.

There is still so much to say and share about these days and the days that have followed...and those stories will come soon, just wanted to get a few pictures and some information out this morning.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


DD+2 started out with a bit of excitement, but the rest of the day was fairly standard. There was a cry of pain at about 4am from our bed. Fortunately/unfortunately, it from from Nathan. The walk* the night before must have done him in as he woke with a bad cramp in his calf. Luckily Erin was up (having just gone to the bathroom for the 5th time that night) to unwrap his leg from the sheets and help him out.

(*More likely it was the tough game of noon ball that caused the cramp, but it doesn't sound as funny.)

DD+1: Living on Borrowed Time

Baby Thomas' due date has come and gone, something we hadn't really planned for, but we are making the most of the time. While Nathan and I are more than ready to meet the newest member of our family, yesterday (aka DD+1) turned into a wonderful date night. Guess the baby wanted to make sure we enjoyed a nice night together before the sleepless ones that will come. We chatted about the day, grilled out and enjoyed dinner on the deck, went for a walk, played trains (real name=Ticket to Ride; hottest game of 2012 in our circle of friends), and caught a show or two. (Thanks for a great night sweetie!)

I also made Nathan take a picture of my belly to document how big it's getting...I don't know how I keep my balance. :)
Looking forward to what the rest of DD+2 brings...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Official due date - May 1

While the doctor kept saying it's normal for first time mom's to not deliver early, I had it in my head that I wouldn't still be pregnant come the due date. But here we are. It's May 1 and there is no sign of baby Thomas joining us today, or in the near future. I guess like his/her mommy, the baby doesn't like to be early. Daddy has a full day of work, but I'm positive he wouldn't mind getting called away from his evening commitment. So come on baby Thomas and be one of the rare babies actually born on your due date...Mommy, Daddy, and everyone else are excited to meet you!