Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday party...with three Santas

Lauren organized a group of moms and kids to attend a holiday party in Peoria. Lucas and Nora spent most of the time together. They are both almost potty trained, fear Santa, and generally have similar interests...eating sweets and dancing. (All important things in the 2 year old world.) Here are a few of the best pics from the afternoon. 

Oh, you want me to stay sitting here?!?


Ok, we'll look at the camera once 

I don't know what you're doing mom/Erin but you look silly 

Dance party!

Keep up if you can...

And the best (only) Santa picture of the year...Lucas keeping a close eye on Santa with the safety of mom's guard. Lucas is so scared that he said there were 3 Santas at the party because he saw him that many times and couldn't shake the memories. 

Holiday baking

We got to making two goodies for Christmas this year. The first time we used the mixer and enjoyed some dough. 

The second time we rolled pretzels in chocolate with grandma's help. Lucas didn't seem to learn how to keep his fingers and mouth away from the chocolate and candies. But we all survived.