Monday, January 20, 2014

Just because...

Just because these are fun pictures...enjoy! Lucas playing with his remote control car from Stacy and Steve, which he often needs to get from my hands. 

Riding his reindeer. 

Showing off his championship belt. 

Relaxing in his new chair from mom and dad and sporting his favorite pjs from auntie Kristi. 

Good helper

This post is almost a month late but found these pictures on Nathan's phone and wanted to share. Lucas finds great joy in watching, learning, and helping. Here he's helping grandpa Pearce with the fire but offering a hand of support and  encouragement. So sweet!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Break photos

We enjoyed our break and getting to spend time as a family! It was also fun to see Lucas grow up a little everyday. 

Car is now one of his favorite words. So when we go shopping he gets to ride in the car carts. Usually does pretty good, but this day he came out the front yelling at the Santa hanging clear across the entire store. 

He enjoyed all of his Christmas' and by the third time around had the hang out it...ripping into his gifts (and everyone else's). He got a ball pit from mom and dad and was pretty happy about it. He even shared with his buddy Nora; who he will miss when she moves away in a month. 

And for new year's we took him to a noon years eve celebration. If was tough to tell what he thought of it. He didn't move for an hour, but also didn't take his eye off the performer. We have gotten more than the price of admission out of the balloons he got there. They make for lots of play fun with tennis racquets or other things that can be used to hit the balloons. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas #2

Most of our holiday pictures are on our nice camera but here are a few from our MO Christmas. 

Grandpa treated Lucas to his own bowl of popcorn, and Lucas was nice enough to share with others. 

And the packing peanuts are the most fun part of the gift. 

Aunt Kristi took good care of Lucas and his gifts.

Central Dairy

Going to Central Dairy to get banana splits is a Thomas family tradition. While it was Lucas' first trip, it didn't take him more than a second to dig in and enjoy! Thanks Grandpa Garf for the treat.

Lucas wasn't the only one enjoying the ice cream

Adventure Zone

We were able to see Lori and her 3 boys when we were in MN. It was so nice to catch up and let the boys run around. I forgot to get a picture of all the boys but here are a few of Lucas playing. Nathan helped a little girl down the slide too. 

MN trip

The Pearce boy cousins had so much fun playing together at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was good to see Lucas able to keep up with Breck and Cullen more this visit.

Watching Breck's hockey game

They even played outside in the snow for a bit. 

Hanging with Mazie

Lucas was also a good helper. Here he's helping grandma make scones. 

And us just being silly

On Christmas, the Johnson family came over and we enjoyed a wonderful day of catching up, sing carols, hearing the Christmas story, and eating good food. The cousins also took the chance to get a group photo...what an amazing bunch. 

And here are the grandchildren. Adorable!