Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday party...with three Santas

Lauren organized a group of moms and kids to attend a holiday party in Peoria. Lucas and Nora spent most of the time together. They are both almost potty trained, fear Santa, and generally have similar interests...eating sweets and dancing. (All important things in the 2 year old world.) Here are a few of the best pics from the afternoon. 

Oh, you want me to stay sitting here?!?


Ok, we'll look at the camera once 

I don't know what you're doing mom/Erin but you look silly 

Dance party!

Keep up if you can...

And the best (only) Santa picture of the year...Lucas keeping a close eye on Santa with the safety of mom's guard. Lucas is so scared that he said there were 3 Santas at the party because he saw him that many times and couldn't shake the memories. 

Holiday baking

We got to making two goodies for Christmas this year. The first time we used the mixer and enjoyed some dough. 

The second time we rolled pretzels in chocolate with grandma's help. Lucas didn't seem to learn how to keep his fingers and mouth away from the chocolate and candies. But we all survived. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Card decorating

Lucas and I made 7 cards this morning for one of the hospitals in town. He's done this several times but today he really directed the card making...and I added a few finishing touches. It's fun to be creative together. 

Basketball has begun

Another season of college basketball is upon us. Lucas makes himself comfortable wherever he goes. Best seat in the house as far as he's concerned...


Our little monkey really enjoy Trick-or-Treating even though it was frigid and windy. He kept asking for one more house. While he likes the candy, it was more about the routine/act of it all. 

Lea Ann hosted the group still in central Illinois and it was fun to spend the evening together. 

The crew!

Lucas the monkey ready to go!


On Sunday, two weekends ago, we took a drive and walk on Grandview Drive...and it was beautiful! The fall colors and the warm day were a perfect combination! 

Lucas had fun playing with daddy too. 

Checking out the view 


Monday, October 20, 2014

Quick visit

Grandpa and Kristi came for a visit and Lucas liked showing them around. 

Lucas asking Kristi to go sit on the big inflatable chair, which was being deflated so no pic with the chair. 

Lucas "helping" take up leaves

This kid is loved! Glad you made the trip!!

4th Anniversary

We enjoyed our annual dinner at Cyd's followed by ice cream at Sweet Cece's. Sweet celebration of our life together; so blessed!

Finally, one PhD for Thomas Family

On 10/6, after years of work and anticipation, I defended my dissertation and became Dr. Thomas! The real icing on the cake was having my parents be a part of the day and Lucas greeting me with a big hug when I got out of the room. And if I couldn't get better, Nathan was able to leave his conference long enough to be there for the big moment. I'm also thankful for the friends who helped me celebrate, specifically Jill and Harriett with a cameo by Charley. 

With Drs. Renn and Otto

And Dr. Paterson, missing Dr. Troxel who was in MN. :-)

Catching Up, 3

Morton Pumpkin Parade

Weekend in Indy...playing and playing with JP and Lucas 

Outside lunch with mom while dad sat through hours of tennis training 

G&G visit 

Catching Up, 2

Enjoyed fireworks together..."pretty", "boom"

Yard work

Golfing with dad, which ends with hitting one ball in the water

Catching the bad guys

Crashing with Harper after an afternoon at the pool. 

Playing with mom at Bass Pro

Sleeping throught a 24 hr bug, preventing mom and dad from seeing Garth Brooks. I've never seen him so out of it. 

Catching Up

Been a long time since I've posted sorry. Here are a few summer highlights:

Vigesaa family visits

Played with Pearce cousins in MN

Got a ride from Grandpa

Enjoyed our annual camping trip in keeps growing. 

Played piano with Grandma

Ate at Que favorite!