Tuesday, October 29, 2013


...because trick-or-treat is still too tough to say. We went to the fraternity and sorority houses at Bradley on a beautiful October night. Lucas had fun, tossed out a few high fives, and was mostly interested in the houses that had some sort of game where he got to throw something. 

Lucas with his buddy Nora the owl. 

What does a Tiger say


This is more like it...ball

And we ended the night at a Bradley exhibition basketball game. No photos; we are all rounding into mid season form.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Beautiful fall day

Lucas and I went for a long walk today and sat by White Oak Lake for a bit. It was a beautiful day to spend a few hours together outside. I love hanging with my little love. 

"Mommy, I want to see."

He looks so big in this one. 

I believe he thought he was smiling; he was having too much fun. 

Busy Weekend

We had a fun filled weekend. Friday we watched part of the BU volleyball game. Lucas was too busy playing for me to think about getting a picture. Saturday we had brunch with the Gentry family and then headed down to the ISU football game. So hard to get pics with everyone looking, or anyone. 

Titus with the kids. 

Lucas keeping a close eye things. 

Mommy and Lucas. 

On Sunday Nathan spent the day golfing with some friends at Deere Run and Lucas and I made the most of a great fall day. Cleaning the yard and flower beds. 

Reading books

And making chili. Lucas is a good helper. I don't know what's up with his silly, big smiles. They crack us up. 

Love spending my time with this little guy!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

BU Homecoming

Lucas and I joined Nathan for a few of the Homecoming events he was at. On Friday Nathan played in the 1st Students vs. faculty/staff flag football game. Before the staff showed the students how to win, Lucas and I got a few photos in the extra large inflatable chair and on the sidelines. Lucas couldn't decide if he liked the chair or not, but was ok as long as I stayed close. 

He wanted to get in the game. 

Nathan did great and had fun playing. Amazingly enough, he didn't get hurt and wasn't in pain the next day. 

All the players. 

My MVPs!

The boys watching the soccer game. Lucas had a great time. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Growing up too fast

Lucas wanted to spend all morning with daddy, including shaving. He's growing up so fast. ;-)


On Tuesday Nathan and I celebrated three years of wedded bliss. Without realizing it until we were at the restaurant, we returned to the same restaurant we went to last year. It was fun to remember back to the first time Lucas sat in a high hair and eating some of his first real food. It's amazing how much things can change in a year. I'm so thankful and fortunate for spending my life with an amazing man and a little boy who brings us so much joy. 

What a silly grin. 

Reading the paper. 

Eating his own ice cream. 

Our little family...
Happy anniversary my love!

Grandpa & Grandma Pearce Visit

Last weekend G&G Pearce came down for a visit. They picked Lucas up from Deb's and played for a while before I got home. It was so good to see them together since it had been a while.

We had a great weekend of eating at good restaurants, playing outside, picking apples, and enjoying each other's company. 

Reading with grandpa...

Eating with grandma...

Finding a bunny...

Thanks for a great visit!


Lucas has always love music and then dancing. Once we found a headset he turned into a DJ. We'll see what this means for his future. 

Pumpkin patch

While I worked on my dissertation a couple weekends ago Nathan took Lucas out to run errands and have some boys time. Here are a few photos from their day. 

Go Twins, even though the season is done.