Saturday, September 28, 2013

Big weekend

Lots of activities for little dude this weekend. His first football game...which also means he gets to say his favorite (maybe first word after dadda and mom) -- football. 

At the Metamora football game

Sometimes you need to just lay in the grass and eat your popcorn. 

And after two nights in a row being out way past your bedtime, this night in the rain at the Bradley soccer match, this is what you get. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Grandpa Thomas aka Babysitter

We were thankful that Garf made the drive to visit this weekend. It had been a bit since we've seen him. He's recovering well from his shoulder surgery, so much so that he took the job of babysitting Lucas while Nathan and I went to Katie and Ted's wedding. It was a great weekend for all. 

The boys looking for squirrels. 

Grandpa getting a kiss.

Lucas enjoying the slide. He's looking so old. 

Looking forward to the next visit with grandpa. 

Harper's birthday party

On Saturday Lucas went to Harper's 2nd birthday party. The kids (and the adults) had a good time playing outside. Soon the kids will outnumber the adults. 

The birthday girl...

The kids...

Lucas and Nora...

Lucas enjoying the day...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cobber kids

I recently got my hands on pictures from when Lucas and I were in MN hanging out with some Cobbers. Such a cute bunch! Oldest to youngest: Haydyn, Kylan, Elliott, Lucas, and Nolan. 
"That's my boy!" Says Nathan proudly. 

Nolan understands that you should smile when the camera comes out but Lucas hasn't figured that one out yet. ;-)

Monday, September 16, 2013

New toy for Nathan?

After much research and soul searching, Nathan bit the bullet and purchased a riding lawn mover. I don't know who is more excited?

Weekend update

On Saturday evening Lucas and I played outside for a while because it was such a beautiful evening. He is getting so big. He thinks he's ready for the big camp chair. 

On Sunday the Obalils came over to watch the football game. It was a tough loss for the Vikings but we had fun nonetheless. Lucas and Harper played together really well. 

How cute are they? 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Making progress?

Lucas has done a great job eating yogurt today. Can you see the progress? And how proud he is of himself?
Of course, within minutes of taking this picture as I'm cleaning up he puts his dirty hands in his clean hair. Oh so close. 

1st Haircut

While we loved Lucas' curls, it was time to trim up his locks. I took advantage of having good scissors and lots of distractions when we were in MN to give Lucas his first haircut. He did pretty good and I didn't shed any tears or cut too much off. 

Yeah ladies, what do you think of my new look?!?

Haircut and a snack with the boy cousins 

Why are you still taking pictures of me?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Finnley's Baptism

We were fortunate that it worked out to be home for Finnley's baptism. Here are a few photos from the day. 
Loving parents

Godparents Stacy and Steve with Brent, Courtney & Finnley

Boys listening to the children's heart was melting!

Playing while pictures were taken

My sweetie

The Pearce cousins. I don't think Finnley likes being the only girl. 

It was a special day to be together. 

Lucas with Aunties and Uncle

I was able to get a few cute pictures of Lucas with my siblings. I'm happy every time Lucas gets to spend time with family. 

Labor Day Trip

Lucas and I (Erin) headed to MN for Labor Day weekend to see family and friends. We navigated the flight well there and back and greatly appreciate Stacy's shuttle service. She has a high standard for cuteness in her car so luckily Lucas was able to pull it off for both of us. 

We had a family dinner on Friday when everyone got in town and off work and got to spend time with mom and dad before they headed out for their trip out west. Mom read a book, or at least a few pages, to Lucas before he crashed. I'm still impressed he slept until 8:20a. 

On Saturday we hung out at the house and went shipping before going to Lori's house to catch up with a few good Cobber friends. It was so fun to see the boys playing together more. 

There is trouble written all over this...

Breck and Cullen could play together for hours so I was proud of them for taking a few minutes for Lucas to join in...and take over. 

It wasn't until Nathan saw these pictures that I figured out that we were batting left handed. Unintention at the time but will be intentional in the future. ;-)

On the way home we got a picture with Snoopy in the airport.