Saturday, August 31, 2013

A sign of our future

Thursday night, the start of college football season, Lucas was wearing his Ole Miss football jersey. While playing he got into some clothes that were drying. He kept trying to put on Nathan's softball jersey (the only thing he tried to put on). So either he misses softball games or is given us a glimpse into what the future will look like.  (He also liked football, because he got to eat popcorn and play with the remote; even could mimic saying football.)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Suit up

The other morning Nathan needed to suit up for work and Lucas was pretty interested. He watched so intently and then he let Nathan do this...

My boys all dressed up and ready for the day. 

Move in weekend business...

We are proud to introduce the newest interim Vice President at Bradley. He's a numbers guy. 

And a shrewd negotiator. 

Or maybe just ready to help move people in his wagon. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Random pictures

Just to post a few new pictures...

Lucas likes piggy back rides. He waves, squeals, and giggles. 

He likes to be a helper. Here he is riding the cart at Menards. 

And mom had to work late, which means dad and Lucas can play. Carrying the range balls so we can dump them out and then chase them around. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Silly boy

Lucas loves yogurt and wants to eat it himself...and this is what he looks like at the end. Wish I could help him. 

And since he looked like that, we went outside to play in the sprinkler. He had a good time playing with the hoses...moving it where he wanted...

Drinking from it...

Getting splashed in the face...
I love watching him play. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Nathan was a glutton for punishment today; he carried Lucas on his back for a while while he mowed. I think they went a little longer than Nathan anticipated because Lucas liked it so much. I wish I could upload the video as proof of how you could hear Lucas over the mower. He was a happy guy and waved at me while I picked weeds. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Softball season...

...comes to an end. A second place finish in the city, unfortunately again. Thanks to Erin and Lucas for coming to many games this season. It was fun having them there and little Lucas is a great fan. Wants to be on the field, plays in the dirt, and likes to give out high fives.

We look forward to coming to many of your games in the future little buddy!  May you find as much enjoyment in play as you do now. 

PS...oldest player on the team - by far!

Pool time

Nathan isn't a big fan of swimming or being in the water but for Lucas he'll jump in...or sit in. 

And since Lucas wasn't interested in wearing his hat any more Nathan styled his hair with sunscreen. Our little joker...

Time for a haircut? Nah, having too much fun styling it. 


Nathan started Lucas doing chores shortly after he was born; they would get the mail together. As he's gotten older he helps with more the garbage. Lucas wanted to push the can down the driveway himself, he just needed me lower it and steer a bit. Such a good helper!

He's also a fan of putting things in containers. I appreciate his effort to keep things clean and organized. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Fun night with the Heusers

It's been a busy summer, with everyone going in different directions, so it was nice to be able to sit on the deck for dinner, toss the football around, pepper the volleyball, and  chase the kids around. Fun night for everyone!

Lucas pooped his swim diaper, which becomes a runny mess. So no better way to get him clean than to chase him with the hose. Good thing we were in the Heuser's neighborhood. 

These two are going to be trouble as they grow older. Toss in Logan who isn't too far behind chasing them around...t-r-o-u-b-l-e.