Monday, June 24, 2013

Little helper

It seems as if I'm always cleaning something, and I guess this is proof it hasn't gone unnoticed. Lucas cleaning the floor and putting the paper towel in the garbage. 

Birthday date

Who wouldn't be happy to spend her birthday with this handsome guy?!?

Big week

It was a big week for the little dude - got to bust out the pool, go for a train ride at Old Settler Days, spinning the wheel at the kids fair, and helping out at the driving range. Proud parent moments...especially him being on his own for the ride. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Socks and hat

For as long as we can remember Lucas has liked to play with sock. It doesn't matter if they are in his feet or someone else's...he just wants to play with them. Needless to say he was having a hay day when we got 7 new pairs the other day. 

Rarely does Lucas want to keep his hat on but he kept trying to put it on the other night. It made him very happy. 

Happy Father's Day

Lucas is one little lucky boy to have such a loving, fun, and protective daddy. I love watching Nathan and Lucas together. Nathan is an amazing father!

I couldn't ask for a better husband. 


Last night we went with a group of friends to an outdoor concert. We left just in time before the rain storm hit. Lucas had a great time and likes to bounce and swing his arms to music. We call it dancing. He was also fascinated just standing and watching others dance. This is the first, public, mom and son dance. Sure there will be many more!

He also loved his little light stick one of the families brought for him. He stayed up too late and spent most the drive home staring at the lights. Fortunately in slept late this morning 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Picking strawberries

We were lucky and it was the last day to pick strawberries at the farm down from our house. We also just missed the rain. Lucas had fun eating the strawberries, seeing how many he could hold, taking them out of the tray, and playing in the dirt.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Father's love

Lucas has been a little off his game for the past week and we didn't know why. After a call to the doctor's office and a visit to prompt care, on different days, we still didn't have answers. Then Nathan finally checked out Lucas tooth situation yesterday afternoon...answer found. Lucas has cut 2 teeth in the last couple weeks and it looks like 4 more are on their way, including the painful eye teeth. Thanks to a little Tylenol, Lucas is feeling a lot better. 
This morning Nathan got up at 5:30 with a whimpering little boy and after a little med they both fell back asleep. What a good daddy!

Big attitude

Auntie Kristi got Lucas this shirt when he was born. He's living up to it. ;-)

Utah trip

We had a wonderful time in Utah last weekend visiting Kristi, Kara, Ryan, Katie,  Karlie, Tyler, and Abbie. Our visit was overdue and Ryan's graduation from high school provided the perfect reason to make the trip. Lucas did well on his second time flying and was spoiled by all the love and attention from his cousins and aunts. He put his arms up to be held by others even when I was around which means he really liked them. :-)
I wasn't great about getting pictures on my phone so I'll need to add more later, but here's a cute one of Tyler and Lucas as well as one of Ryan's graduation with his proud mom (even though we weren't there for the actual day). Congrats Ryan!