Saturday, April 27, 2013

First 1st Birthday

Grandpa Garf came to celebrate Lucas' 1st birthday. In true Thomas fashion his cake was actually ice cream from the Spotted Cow. Hard to say who enjoyed the experience more...lots of smiles and ice cream for both. ;-)
Thank you Grandpa for the treat!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Enjoying a spring day

After a week of raining weather it was nice to get out and enjoy a sunny spring day. We first ran some errands and gave Lucas a chance to be a lion. He liked it for about 5 seconds. Then this evening we walked in the yard for a bit. While he still wants to put everything in his mouth I didn't say "no mouth" as much as usual. :)

Lucas has literally gotten into eating bagels and bread lately. The bagel bag looked like a mouse got to it. With how much he's moving is appetite has increased.

Gamma Phi Circus

Yesterday we went down to ISU to watch the Gamma Phi Circus. ISU boasts one of the two college circus groups in the USA. Nathan and I are impressed each year with the quality of the show. We, however, figured out that Lucas isn't old enough yet to enjoy it. He had more fun getting the attention of the kids around us and walking around the concourse. Campbell did pretty good so it might be a few years before Lucas will really enjoy it. Logan was a rockstar...he even took a nap.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hometown proud

Go Bulldogs (the Mexico kind, sorry not the UMD kind)...complete with chasing after his basketball. So far his game is all hustle.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Master's Sunday

May not have a green jacket (yet), but rocking the green pants

Monday, April 8, 2013

Big Boy

Lucas is looking bigger and bigger every day. While he can only eat a fraction of an apple, he wants to have the whole thing. Nathan and I also say on a regular basis that he can reach more things than 'before'.

Lucas came with me yesterday to a work event. He was a little overwhelmed with the 200 college student, many of which wanted to talk and play with him. However, after a little while...he got adjusted and enjoyed himself. And this is his, I'm popular pose. ;-)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

11 months

This is our last day of celebrating Lucas' age by the month. I can't believe he'll be a year old next month. Crazy how fast the time has gone.

More pictures will come but I wanted to share the one I got this morning at daycare with Brady and Ella. He enjoys playing with them which we are so thankful for.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lucas at play

Lucas is on the go all the time and it's fun to see how he plays. He knows where to find things and how to take them out.


The gift of life is one I appreciate and understand more with each passing day, especially with the addition of Lucas to our lives. However, Easter is a special reminder of God's gift of eternal life and his unconditional love. I'm thankful for His gift and the glimpses we get through those we love. I'm so thankful for my loving and supportive husband, amazing little boy, caring family, and dear friends. Happy Easter to each of you.

We spent part of our Easter with the Heuser family. Campbell was a great egg hunter. Lucas enjoyed his bunny gifts from aunt Kristi, and I liked that it was warm enough for a walk.