Saturday, December 15, 2012

Baseball & books

When I put baseball jersey style pj's on Lucas the other night, Nathan thought it was appropriate to round out the outfit with his Cardinals hat. I agreed.

Lucas was working to get the hat off his head because he likes to eat them, but we managed to keep it on long enough to get a few photos.

Last night Campbell & Logan came over for a bit, which was fun. Before Lucas went to bed Campbell, Lucas and I got to read a few books; they both liked this one.

7 months

Yes, Lucas is already 7 months old, really almost 7.5 months at this time. Nathan and I can't believe what a big little boy we have. He continues to learn new things each day and likes to practice newly learned skills from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed. The biggest things right now are waving and clapping his hands. It sounds like he says 'hi' when he waves, but really he's just learned to mimic the inflection change as he squeals...but it's fun nonetheless. He claps his hands to songs, us cheering, or when he likes something. And with such a happy kid, there is a lot of clapping. :)

A couple pictures with the Christmas tree, which we've managed to keep him out of.

"Oh Daddy, you're so silly! Do it again!"

Big smile. :)

Love his smirk.

Getting pictures of Lucas on his back on the tennis/basketball blanket are next to impossible unless Nathan is playing with him and keeping him lots of smiles result.


"Dad, I like eating my sox. You should try them."

As you can see we continue to enjoy all of our moments together.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Brunch with Hollis Family

On Sunday we got to visit the wonderful Hollis family, Gloria, and Barbara. It had been way too long since we'd seen them, and really enjoyed our time together. Thank you for the invitation!

Great one of the kids...Caleb, Noah, Alina, Meg, & Lucas (L-R, top to bottom).

Alina kept a close eye on me and the camera so she knew when to smile.

Meg was a little distracted by Lucas and getting to hold the baby...but I got her to look here, even if it meant it looks like she's just holding a head.

Lucas had a ball with Anne. I don't know exactly what she was doing over there...but he obviously loved it.

Good times.

New camera

So I finally got all the parts for my new camera...and I'm in love. I've been waiting a long time to get a camera like this and I'm having so much fun with it. It's a little sad that I'm looking forward to the long car rides for Christmas to read the manual. :) Can you see the difference?

Lucas is curious about what I'm doing.

"I'll give you a smile if you'll let me touch the tree."

This is a face only a mom or dad could love. ;-)

My boys in the morning.

Lucas wearing his Idaho State shirt for Grandpa Thomas.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 1st

We celebrated the beginning of December by getting our Christmas tree from a local stand and then heading to the BU vs. Michigan men's basketball game. We didn't get a family picture with the tree yet because we weren't dressed for it, but it will come. Lucas thought the trees were pretty cool.

"Oh, Daddy wants me to look at him, not the tree."
I still don't know how Lucas fell asleep during the game was it was loud in the arena, but it was nap time. He did really good during the game. It was a fun and fairly close game...and Nathan was in happy place, even though it wasn't a BU victory.