Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Snow & Sledding

Lucas loves to help daddy shovel. He's a trooper and really enjoys being outside in the cold, unlike his mom and dad. 

I happened to be watch them has they took the sled down for the first time...and so glad I was because I watched them overshoot the driveway and go into the trees. Lucas was not happy and wanted to get out quickly while Nathan was happy he was able to grab onto branches to stop when they did. Surprisingly, Lucas went on the sled again but told dad that he didn't want to go back into the bird's home. 

Up they go. 

Hair & family pics

Lucas figured out that he's able to "do" his hair like his cousins...and thinks it looks pretty good. Fortunately, he does look adorable with the fohock. 

We had Lauren take maternity pictures for is and she did great job, per usual. 


I have about half a year to catch up on...so here we go!

Grandma entertaining her boys with a few songs around the piano. 

Elicia reading Elmo to the youngest ones. 

Cullen and Lucas' first selfie. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Piper Thomas

A month ago our family of three became a family of four with the birth of Piper Pearce. Piper was born at 10:06am and has blessed our lives ever since. She was 7lbs 12oz and 20 in. 

Mommy and daddy were thankful for a smooth, quick and safe delivery. 

And surprised that Piper was a girl. 

Lucas was a little overwhelmed at first but warmed up to Piper pretty quick. 

Papa Thomas was also excited to meet and hold Piper right away. 

3.5.15 is marked as a glorious day for our family!

Christmas lights

We really enjoy looking at Christmas lights and thankfully Lucas enjoys it as well. Each night he looks forward to seeing the lights on our house. So one night when the line to get through the Festival of Lights was too long Lucas and I enjoyed a quick and up close and personal look at a light display in town. 

Standing by the BIG snowman. I learned later that we crossed the line and broke the rules getting this close. Thankfully we didn't pull any cords or push anything down. 

As you can see we didn't have any fun. ;-)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday party...with three Santas

Lauren organized a group of moms and kids to attend a holiday party in Peoria. Lucas and Nora spent most of the time together. They are both almost potty trained, fear Santa, and generally have similar interests...eating sweets and dancing. (All important things in the 2 year old world.) Here are a few of the best pics from the afternoon. 

Oh, you want me to stay sitting here?!?


Ok, we'll look at the camera once 

I don't know what you're doing mom/Erin but you look silly 

Dance party!

Keep up if you can...

And the best (only) Santa picture of the year...Lucas keeping a close eye on Santa with the safety of mom's guard. Lucas is so scared that he said there were 3 Santas at the party because he saw him that many times and couldn't shake the memories. 

Holiday baking

We got to making two goodies for Christmas this year. The first time we used the mixer and enjoyed some dough. 

The second time we rolled pretzels in chocolate with grandma's help. Lucas didn't seem to learn how to keep his fingers and mouth away from the chocolate and candies. But we all survived.